Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Is Indian Government really bringing Ache Din?

Have "Ache Din" arrived? It is One of the biggest question that Modi Government is facing these days. In most of the pre-election talks/speeches, BJP claimed to bring in Ache Din once they form their Government in center. People supported them in huge numbers and what happens after that is written in history with bold letters.

Today even after 1.5 years of work, some people are waiting for those Ache Din while some are happy with Government performance over their period. According to me if Government is planning something for future then it makes sense and people should not be impatience to see all the Good Days now itself. But yes, Government needs to control inflation so that root level can experience some relief at the soonest.

What Ache Din means to me?

See I am not an expert but still hold my views and would love to show the same. Your views might be different and I respect them. You can anytime publish your views in form of comments. So according to me, Ache Din means a time when India have:

No debt from other countries

• Piece around the borders

• Good relations with neighboring countries (all)

• No brain drain

• Enough opportunists to young one's (good amount of jobs)

Balance between industrial and nature's growth

• Last but not the least a positive sense in each and every Indian's heart.

I know I might have skipped some points here (I will add them once I remember them). I would like you to add your views and meaning of Good Days from BJP Government in India. I know sufficient amount of time has passed till now and now it must be the time of action for the Government. So please come up with your ideas, expectations and what you want to see from Government in coming 6-12 months from now.

Talking about the biggest dream/wish then it would be piece around borders and balanced growth for me.

Do check out Modi's oath taking ceremony, I hope you will like it: